Light of Christ Academy believes that through acts of service we can form compassionate servant leaders who are attentive to the needs of others and who desire to spread Christ’s love by serving the Church and those around them. We provide opportunities and encourage voluntary service. Our Montessori students begin their service by sharing what they cook in the Atrium to the staff at the parish and performing acts of service and assistance throughout the campus.
Upper Academy students assist younger children and adults in all areas of the school. They perform acts of service in the community and the parish which includes setting up for the Right to Life Dinners, serving and reading at Mass, nursing home visits, food drives, or packing baskets for the poor. The fruits of this formation can be witnessed by many who enter our school building. Our students, without prompting, offer themselves in service to teachers and staff. They work and play together in community at recess, and thoroughly enjoy one another’s company at all-school meals and performances.
We encourage a climate where children are well-mannered and kind to one another. Through the lessons of faith and virtue we practice daily it is apparent within the student body that we are building children of character and learning to live in a community of peace and love.
Service projects
Our service projects change yearly depending upon the interest of the students. Some past projects include:
Sponsor families though Catholic Relief Services at Christmas and Thanksgiving
Letters and gifts to veterans and service members
Set up for Right to Life dinner
Nursing home visits
Service at funerals and Masses
Blessing bags for homeless veterans
Letters and gifts to seminarians
40 Days for Life campaign
Faith Freedom rallies
Fundraisers for a Montessori School in Texas
Random Acts of Kindness Activities
Making cookies and cards for local first responders